JPA Repositories:Spring Data JPA is a subproject that provides repository support for Java Persistence API (JPA) entities. It simplifies the development of data access layers by generating repository implementations for JPA entities at runtime. It supports JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) queries and custom query methods.
Annotations: While Spring Data JPA relies on annotations like @Entity and @Table to define the mapping between Java objects and database tables, Spring Data JDBC uses annotations like @Id, @Table, and @MappedCollection to define the mapping between Java objects and database tables, columns, and relationships.
Custom Queries: Spring Data JDBC allows you to define custom SQL queries using the @Query annotation or by providing SQL statements in repository methods. This gives you full control over the SQL used for data access.
Entity-Relationship Mapping (ERM): You can define relationships between entities using annotations like @MappedCollection, @OneToOne, @ManyToOne, and @OneToMany. Spring Data JDBC manages these relationships based on the database schema.
Spring Data Elasticsearch: Spring Data Elasticsearch allows you to interact with Elasticsearch, a distributed search and analytics engine. It provides repository support for querying and indexing data in Elasticsearch.
Query Methods: Similar to other Spring Data modules, Spring Data JDBC supports query methods where you can define method names following a naming convention, and the framework will generate the corresponding SQL queries for you.
Aggregate Roots: In Spring Data JDBC, entities are organized as aggregates, with one entity designated as the aggregate root. Aggregate roots are the entry points for accessing and manipulating the entire aggregate, which may consist of multiple related entities.
Generated Keys: The framework supports automatically retrieving generated keys (e.g., auto-incremented primary keys) when inserting records into the database.
Event Listening: You can use event listeners to react to data-related events, such as entity creation or modification
Spring Boot Integration: Spring Data JDBC can be easily integrated into Spring Boot applications, allowing you to set up data access quickly with minimal configuration.