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Advanced Topics

React Hooks

  • Custom Hooks: Building reusable logic encapsulated in hooks.
  • useRef and useImperativeHandle: Managing and interacting with refs.
  • useContext and useReducer: Context API with reducers for state management.

Performance Optimization

  • Memoization: Using React.memo, useMemo, and useCallback to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
  • Virtualization: Rendering only the visible portion of large lists with libraries like react-window or react-virtualized.
  • Code Splitting: Lazy loading components with React.lazy and Suspense.

State Management

  • Redux: Advanced patterns with Redux like middleware, selectors, and thunks.
  • Recoil: Using Recoil for managing state with a more straightforward API compared to Redux.
  • Context API: Effective usage and optimization with the Context API.

Server-Side Rendering

  • Next.js: Using Next.js for server-side rendering and static site generation.
  • Hydration: Understanding the hydration process and its impact on performance.


  • Jest and React Testing Library: Advanced testing strategies, including mocking, spying, and testing hooks.
  • End-to-End Testing: Using tools like Cypress for comprehensive end-to-end tests.

TypeScript with React

  • Type Safety: Defining prop types, state, and context with TypeScript.
  • Generics and Advanced Types: Leveraging TypeScript’s advanced features for better type safety.

React Native

  • Advanced Components: Building and optimizing complex components.
  • State Management: Managing state in React Native with libraries like Redux and MobX.
  • Performance: Techniques to improve performance in React Native applications.


  • React Spring: Using React Spring for advanced animations.
  • Framer Motion: Creating complex animations with Framer Motion.


  • Libraries: Using libraries like react-intl or i18next for internationalization.
  • Contextualization: Managing and switching between multiple languages in an application.

Advanced Patterns

  • Higher-Order Components (HOC): Creating and using HOCs effectively.
  • Render Props: Leveraging render props for reusability.
  • Compound Components: Building components that work together seamlessly.

React Fiber

  • Concurrent Mode: Understanding and utilizing concurrent features in React.
  • Suspense for Data Fetching: Using Suspense to manage asynchronous data fetching.


  • Apollo Client: Integrating Apollo Client for GraphQL queries and mutations.
  • Relay: Using Relay for efficient data fetching with GraphQL.

Web Components

  • Integrating: Using Web Components within React applications.
  • Custom Elements: Creating custom elements that work with React.


  • XSS Protection: Preventing Cross-Site Scripting attacks in React applications.
  • Authentication: Implementing secure authentication and authorization.