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Composition vs Inheritance in React

Aspect Composition Inheritance
Primary Use Case Building reusable UI components and managing code complexity Extending base classes with additional functionality (less common in React)
Flexibility High - Easily mix and match components Lower - Hierarchical and rigid structure
State and Props State and props are passed explicitly to child components State and methods are inherited
Code Reuse Promotes code reuse by composing multiple components Promotes code reuse by inheriting properties and methods
Examples Wrapping components, Higher Order Components (HOCs), Render Props, Hooks Extending a class-based component
Component Updates Easier to manage and understand updates and side effects Can be harder to track state and prop changes through inheritance
Testing Easier to test individual components Testing can be more complex due to tightly coupled functionality
Error Handling Easier to handle errors in isolated components Errors can propagate through the inheritance chain, making debugging more difficult

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