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Lifecycle Methods

Lifecycle methods in React are special methods built into class components that allow you to run code at specific points in a component’s life. These methods are categorized into different phases of a component’s lifecycle.
  1. Mounting Phase
  2. Updating Phase
  3. Unmounting Phase

1. Mounting

Mounting means putting elements into the DOM. React has four built-in methods that gets called, in this order, when mounting a component:
  • constructor():Initialize state and bind methods.
  • getDerivedStateFromProps():Update state based on props.
  • render():Define the UI.
  • componentDidMount():Perform side-effects like data fetching.

2. Updating

Updating occurs when a component’s state or props change.
  • getDerivedStateFromProps():Same as mounting.
  • shouldComponentUpdate():Optimize performance by controlling updates.
  • render(): Define the updated UI.
  • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate():Capture DOM information before updates.
  • componentDidUpdate():Perform side-effects after updates.

3. Unmounting

The next phase in the lifecycle is when a component is removed from the DOM, or unmounting as React likes to call it. React has only one built-in method that gets called when a component is unmounted:
  • componentWillUnmount():Cleanup before removal.