Classification of exceptions
- Checked Exceptions or compile time exceptions, like IOException, MalformedURLException etc.
- Compiler forces these exceptions to be caught or passed to calling program
- Unchecked exceptions or runtime exceptions, like ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException etc.
- Compiler does not force to handle these unchecked exceptions.
Throwing exceptions to the caller
- Using “throws”, the called method can pass the exception to the caller.
Creating your own exception class
- In case programmer wants to hide exception details and give summary, he can create his own exception class.
- The user defined exception classes must extend Exception class.
Analyzing the stack trace
- e.printStackTrace() method gives the information as to from where the exception gets thrown and path leading to it.
In addition to these two main categories, Java also includes a hierarchy of specialized exceptions, each serving a specific purpose and representing different error conditions. You can create custom exceptions by extending the Exception class or one of its subclasses to handle application-specific errors.
- Proper exception handling is an essential aspect of writing reliable and robust Java programs. It helps identify and gracefully recover from errors, making your code more resilient to unexpected situations.