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Loading, Linking And Initialization

By Value or By Reference Primitive variables are passed by value in a method and their values don’t change in calling method. Changes in the reference variables which are done in the called method, are also seen by the calling method. Loading, Linking and Initialization Loading Loads the binary representation of class. Linking Verification Preparation … Read more

Static Members & Method Overloading

Static Members Static members are class level members. Creating Object These do not need an already existing object to be used. Used to distinguish class level variables from local vari Method Overloading Same method names in a class having different arguments. Useful in cases where the functionality desired is similar E.g. public double calculateTriangleArea(int base, … Read more

Encapsulation And Access Control

Encapsulation and Access Control Encapsulation Access Control Modifiers Public Private Protected Default The this Keyword We use “this” keyword from any method or constructor to refer to the current object Used to distinguish class level variables from local variables E.g. this.color, this.area etc Encapsulation Encapsulation is one of the four fundamental OOP concepts, along with … Read more

Java Core Classes

Overview Object Class System String Classes Arrays Boxing & Unboxing Varargs format & printfMethods Object java.lang.Object Represents a Java Object All classes are descendants of Object Class. Some methods protected Object clone() public Boolean equals() protected void finalize() Characteristics Identity: Each object has a unique identity. State: Objects have attributes that define their current state. … Read more

What Is Java Object And Classes

In Java, objects and classes are fundamental concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP). Let’s break down each concept: Overview What is Java Object and Classes? Encapsulation and Access Control The this Keyword Static Members Method Overloading By Value or By Reference Loading, Linking and Initialization Comparing Objects The Garbage Collector What Is Java Object & Classes? … Read more

Core Java Statements

Set of fundamental statements These statements are used to control the flow of a program, define classes and methods, manipulate data, and perform various operations. Here are some of the core Java statements: Core Java Statements If Statement While Statement Do-while Statement For Statement Break Statement Continue Statement Switch Statement If Statement: Use if to … Read more

Language Fundamentals

Overview Names used for classes, methods, interfaces and variables are called Identifiers All identifiers must start with either a letter or currency character($) or a connecting character like underscore(_). A Java keyword cannot be used as an identifier. Identifiers in Java are case sensitive. Identifiers Identifiers Variables & Constants Encoding Sets Separators Primitives Primitive Conversion … Read more

First Java Program

We advise reviewing this tutorial in the order specified in the menu on the left. Since Java is an object-oriented language, some ideas can be unfamiliar. Take breaks as necessary, and review the examples as often as necessary. Overview 1) Environment Setup 2) First Java Program 1) Environment Setup         Download Java … Read more


Learn Java About Java What is Java? What was the reason of creation? What is JVM, JRE, JDK? Features of Java Evolution of Java 1 . About Java One of the most popular programming languages since 1996 Making searching/locating and usage of classes, interfaces, enumerations and annotations easier Has around 10 million developers worldwide. Considered … Read more