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JavaScript addEventListener()

The addEventListener() method in JavaScript is used to attach an event listener to a specified element. Event listeners are functions that execute in response to a specific event occurring on the element, such as a click, hover, keypress, or form submission.


					element.addEventListener(event, listenerFunction 
[, options]);

  • element: The DOM element to which the event listener is attached.
  • event: A string specifying the name of the event to listen for, such as “click”, “mouseover”, “keydown”, etc.
  • listenerFunction: The function to be called when the specified event occurs.
  • options (optional): An object containing additional options for the event listener, such as whether to use capturing or bubbling (see below).
					<button id="myButton">Click me</button>
    const button = document.getElementById("myButton");
    button.addEventListener("click", function() {
        alert("Button clicked!");


Key Concepts:

  • Event Handling:
      • The addEventListener() method allows you to respond to various events triggered by user interactions or system events in the browser.
  • Callback Function:

    • The second argument of addEventListener() is a callback function that is executed when the specified event occurs. This function can take an Event object as a parameter, providing information about the event.
  • Event Options:

    • The third argument of addEventListener() is an optional object containing additional options for the event listener. One common option is the once property, which, when set to true, ensures that the event listener is removed after being triggered once.

Event Flow:

  • By default, event listeners are triggered during the bubbling phase of event propagation. This means that the event first triggers on the target element, then bubbles up through its ancestors.
  • You can specify the use of capturing or bubbling by passing options to the addEventListener() method. The capture property, when set to true, indicates that the event should be handled during the capturing phase.

Removal of Event Listeners:

  • To remove an event listener attached with addEventListener(), you can use the removeEventListener() method, passing the same event type and callback function.


  • Modularity: Event listeners allow you to separate behavior from structure, promoting cleaner and more maintainable code.
  • Interactivity: By responding to user actions or system events, event listeners enable dynamic and interactive web experiences.
  • Flexibility: Event listeners can be attached to various elements and respond to a wide range of events, providing flexibility in implementing functionality.

Parameter Values

  • event: It is a required parameter. It can be defined as a string that specifies the event’s name.
  • function: It is also a required parameter. It is a JavaScript function which responds to the event occur.

  • useCapture: It is an optional parameter. It is a Boolean type value that specifies whether the event is executed in the bubbling or capturing phase. Its possible values are true and false. When it is set to true, the event handler executes in the capturing phase. When it is set to false, the handler executes in the bubbling phase. Its default value is false.