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JS Email Validation

Email validation in JavaScript is crucial for ensuring that user input conforms to the expected format of an email address before submitting it to a server or processing it further.


  • Regular Expression (Regex):JavaScript’s RegExp object allows us to define a pattern that describes the format of a valid email address. We’ll use a regular expression to match against the email input.

  • Validation Function: We’ll create a function that takes an email address as input and checks if it matches the defined pattern using the regular expression.

  • Feedback to User: Depending on whether the input matches the expected email format or not, we’ll provide feedback to the user, indicating whether the email address is valid or not.


    1. Define Regular Expression: We’ll use a regular expression pattern to describe the structure of a valid email address. A basic pattern might look like this: /^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/.

      • ^: Asserts the start of the string.
      • \S+: Matches one or more non-whitespace characters.
      • @: Matches the “@” symbol.
      • \.: Matches the dot (.) symbol, which separates the domain name.
      • $: Asserts the end of the string.
  • Validation Function: We’ll create a JavaScript function, let’s call it validateEmail, that takes an email address as input and returns true if it matches the defined pattern and false otherwise.

					// Function to validate
an email address
function validateEmail(email) {
    // Regular expression pattern
    for basic email validation
    var re = /^\S+@\S+\.\S+$/;
    return re.test(email);

// Example usage:
var email = "example@email.com";
if (validateEmail(email)) {
    console.log("Valid email address");
} else {
    console.log("Invalid email address");


Implementing email validation in JavaScript using regular expressions provides a basic level of validation to ensure that user input conforms to the expected format of an email address. However, it’s essential to remember that email validation can be complex due to the wide variety of valid email address formats. Depending on your requirements, you might need to use more sophisticated validation techniques or libraries tailored specifically for email validation.