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Set In JS

In JavaScript, a Set is a collection of unique values, where each value may occur only once within the Set. Sets are useful for storing a collection of distinct elements and efficiently performing operations like adding, removing, and checking for the presence of elements

Key Characteristics:

  • Unique Values:
        • A Set contains only unique values; duplicates are not allowed. Therefore, each value in a Set occurs only once.
  • No Key-Value Pairs:

    • Unlike maps, Sets do not have key-value pairs. Each value in a Set is treated as both a key and a value.
  • Dynamic Size:

    • Sets in JavaScript can grow or shrink dynamically, allowing you to add or remove values as needed without specifying the size in advance.
  • Iterability:

    • Sets are iterable, meaning you can loop through their elements using various iteration methods like forEach, for...of, or entries.
  • Data Types:

    • Sets can store values of any data type, including primitive types (such as numbers, strings, and booleans) and object references.
  • Ordering:

    • The order of elements in a Set is based on the insertion order, meaning the elements maintain the order in which they were inserted.


  • Add (Insertion):

    • Adds a new value to the Set. If the value is already present, it is not added again.

  • Delete (Removal):

    • Removes a value from the Set if it exists.

  • Has (Existence Check):

    • Checks if the Set contains a specific value.
					if (set.has(value)) {
    // Value exists in the Set

  • Size:

    • Returns the number of elements in the Set
					let size = set.size;

  • Clear:

    • Removes all elements from the Set, making it empty.


Example Implementation:

					// Creating a new Set
let mySet = new Set();

// Adding values to the Set

// Checking if a value exists
if (mySet.has(1)) {
    ("Value 1 exists in the Set");

// Removing a value

// Iterating over the Set
mySet.forEach(value => {


Use Cases:

  • Eliminating duplicate elements from an array.
  • Storing a collection of unique identifiers or keys.
  • Performing set operations such as union, intersection, and difference.
  • Implementing membership checks or filtering unique values.