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java.lang.Character class methods | Set 1

lang.Character class wraps the value of a primitive data type – char to an object of datatype char and this object contains a single field having the data type – char. This class provides no. of methods regarding character manipulations like converting them from lowercase to uppercase. Character class is based on Unicode
Standards to provide character information. Class Declaration:
					public final class Character
   extends Object
      implements Serializable, Comparable

Following methods of Character class are discussed here :

1. charCount() :
java.lang.charCount() method uses Unicode point to return the number of char values to represent the argument char values. A Unicode code point is used for character values in the range between U+0000 and U+10FFFF and for 16-bit char values that are code units of the UTF-16 encoding.Syntax :

					public static int charCount(int argchar)

Parameters : 
argchar : char i.e. it's Unicode point
to be counted

Return : 
2 if the character is valid i.e. > or =
to 0X1000(supplementary character); else 1   
2. charValue() : java.lang.charValue() method returns primitive character value of defined char Object. Syntax :
					public char charValue()

					Return : 
primitive character value 
of defined char Object.


3. codePointAt() :
java.lang.Character.codePointAt(char[ ] array, int position) method returns Unicode Point of the character array present at the argumented position.Syntax :

					public static int
codePointAt(char[] array,
int position)

Parameters : 
array    : character array
position : array index 
of character whose Unicode 
Point value you need.  

Return : 
Unicode point 
of the character array present
at the given position  


Java code explaining use of charCount(), charValue(), codePointat() methods

import java.lang.Character;
public class NewClass {
public static void main(String[] args)
		// Use of charCount() method
	int geek = 0x9999, // < 0x10000
geek1 = 0x10000, // = 0x10000
geek2 = 0x10001; // > 0x10000

int check = Character.charCount(geek);
int check1 = Character.charCount(geek1);
int check2 = Character.charCount(geek2);

if (check == 2) // Checking for geek
("Valid Character geek");
("Invalid Character geek");

if (check1 == 2) // Checking for geek1
("Valid Character geek1");
("Invalid Character geek1");
if (check2 == 2) // Checking for geek2
("Valid Character geek2");
("Invalid Character geek2");
// Use of charValue() method
Character m; // Character object m

m = new Character('g');
// Assigning value g to m;

char gfg;
gfg = m.charValue();
("Primitive value of gfg : "+ gfg);

// Use of codePointAt()
char[] arg = new char[]
{ 'g', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's' };
int val, val1, position = 3;
val = Character.codePointAt(arg, position);
val1 = Character.codePointAt(arg, 0);
System.out.println("Unicode code 
point at "+ position + " : " + val);
("Unicode code point at 0 : "
+ val1);



					Invalid Character geek
Valid Character geek1
Valid Character geek2

Primitive value of gfg : g

Unicode code point at 3 : 107
Unicode code point at 0 : 103
4. codePointBefore() : java.lang.Character.codePointBefore(char[ ] array, int position) method returns Unicode Point of the character array present before the argumented position.Syntax :
					public static int codePointBefore(char[] 
array, int position)
public static int codePointBefore(char[] 
array, int position, int start)
Parameters : 
array    : character array
position : array index 
of character following the 
Unicode Point value you need.  
start : start index o
f the character array
Return : 
Unicode point 
of the character array present 
before the given position  
5. codePointCount() : java.lang.Character.codePointCount() method returns no. of Unicode Point of the sub-character array.position.Syntax :
					public static int codePointCount(char[] array,
int start, int len)
Parameters : 
array  : character array
start  : starting index 
of the array
length : length
of the character sub-array   
Return : 
no. of Unicode Point
of the sub-character array.
Exception : 
--> NullPointerException
--> IndexOutOfBoundsException 
6. compareTo() : java.lang.Character.compareTo(Character argChar) method compares given character with argumented character.Syntax :
					public int compareTo(Character argChar)

Parameters : 
argChar : character to be compared with  

Return : 
= 0 : if both characters
are equal 
> 0 : if given this character is greater
< 0 : if argumented character is greater

Java code explaining use of codePointBefore(), codePointCount(), compareTo() methods

					// Java program explaining Character 
class methods
// codePointBefore(), codePointCount(),
import java.lang.Character;
public class NewClass
public static void main(String[] args)
// Use of codePointBefore()
char[] arg = new char[] 
{ 'g', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's' };
int position = 4;

int val = Character.codePointBefore
(arg, position);
int val1 =Character.codePointBefore
(arg, 1);
int val2 = Character.codePointBefore
(arg, 3, 1);
( "Unicode code point before " 
+ position +" : " + val );
( "Unicode code point before 1 : " + val1 );
System.out.println( "Unicode code point 
before 3 to 1 : "
	+ val2);
// Use of codePointCount()
int count = Character.codePointCount
(arg, 1,3 );

System.out.println("No. of Unicode points : "
		+ count)

// Use of compareTo()
Character g1 = new Character('g');
Character g2 = new Character('o');

int check = g1.compareTo(g2);
System.out.println("g1 < g2 : " + check);
int check1 = g2.compareTo(g1);
System.out.println("g2 > g1 : " + check1);
int check2 = g2.compareTo(g2);
System.out.println("g2 = g2 : " + check2);



					Unicode code point before 4 : 107
Unicode code point before 1 : 103
Unicode code point before 3 to 1 : 101

No. of Unicode points : 3

g1 < g2 : -8
g2 > g1 : 8
g2 = g2 : 0Unicode code point before 4 : 107
Unicode code point before 1 : 103
Unicode code point before 3 to 1 : 101

No. of Unicode points : 3

g1 < g2 : -8
g2 > g1 : 8
g2 = g2 : 0
7. equals() : java.lang.Character.equals() method compares the present char object with the argumented char object.Syntax :
					public boolean equals(Object charObj)

Parameters : 
charObj : char object to compare with 

Return : 
true if both the objects are equal, else false.
8. getNumericValue() : java.lang.Character.getNumericValue(char arg) method returns int value for the specific Unicode character. A – Z value ranges u0041 to u005A a -z value ranges u0061 to u007ASyntax :
					public static int getNumericValue(char arg)

Parameters : 
arg : char value

Return : 
int value for the specific Unicode character.
if Unicode value doesn't exists -1 is returned.
9. getType() :: java.lang.Character.getType(char arg) method identifies the general type of character A – Z value ranges u0041 to u005A a -z value ranges u0061 to u007A
					public static int getType(char arg)

Parameters : 
arg : char value

Return : 
int value for the argumented character
representing its general type category. 

Java code explaining use of equals(), getNumericValue(), getType() methods

					import java.lang.Character;
public class NewClass
public static void main(String[] args)
Character g1 = new Character('g');
Character g2 = new Character('O');

boolean check = g1.equals(g2);
boolean check1 = g1.equals(g1);
System.out.println("Are g and o equal? 
: " + check);
System.out.println("Are g and g equal? :
		" + check1);

		// Use of getNumericValue() method
		int c = Character.getNumericValue(g1);
		int c1 = Character.getNumericValue(g2);
		System.out.println("Int value for g 
		: " + c);
		System.out.println("Int value for A 
		: " + c1);

		// Use of getType() method
		Character g3 = new Character('$');
		Character g4 = new Character('6');

		int r1 = Character.getType(g1);
		int r2 = Character.getType(g2);
		int r3 = Character.getType(g3);
		int r4 = Character.getType(g4);

		System.out.println("Type for lowercase : 
		" + r1);
		System.out.println("Type for uppercase : 
		" + r2);
		System.out.println("Type for currency : 
		" + r3);
		System.out.println("Type for numeric : 
		" + r4);



					Are g and o equal? : false
Are g and g equal? : true

Int value for g : 16
Int value for A : 24

Type for lowercase : 2
Type for uppercase : 1
Type for currency  : 26
Type for numeric   : 9

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