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Microservices Interview Programs

1. Write a Java code snippet to create a simple microservice using Spring Boot. @RestController public class GreetingController { @GetMapping(“/greet”) public String greet() { return “Hello from the microservice!”; } } 2. Explain how you would implement inter-service communication in a microservices architecture. Implementing inter-service communication can be done using technologies like RESTful APIs, gRPC, … Read more

Interview Questions

1. What are microservices, and how do they differ from monolithic architectures? Answer:Microservices are a software architectural style where an application is broken down into a collection of small, loosely coupled, independently deployable services. In contrast, monolithic architectures have a single, tightly integrated codebase. Microservices promote flexibility, scalability, and ease of maintenance. 2. What are … Read more

Fault Tolerance with Hystrix

Hystrix is a Java library developed by Netflix for implementing fault tolerance in distributed systems. It provides a way to handle and mitigate failures in a microservices architecture by adding resiliency to your services. Hystrix helps prevent the “cascading failure” problem, where one service’s failure can lead to a domino effect of failures in other … Read more

Implementing Spring Cloud Bus

Spring Cloud Bus is a powerful feature of the Spring Cloud framework that allows you to broadcast distributed configuration changes to multiple microservices in a Spring Cloud environment. It utilizes Spring Cloud Stream and a message broker (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka) to propagate configuration updates in a dynamic and scalable way. Here’s how to implement Spring … Read more

Understanding the need for Spring Cloud Bus

Spring Cloud Bus is a crucial component in a microservices architecture that addresses the challenges associated with the dynamic and distributed nature of microservices. It provides a way to manage and propagate configuration changes across multiple microservices efficiently. Here are some key reasons for using Spring Cloud Bus: Configuration Management: Microservices often rely on external … Read more

Connecting Microservices to Zipkin

Zipkin is a distributed tracing system that helps track and visualize the flow of requests through a complex microservices architecture. It provides valuable insights into latency, bottlenecks, and performance issues in your microservices ecosystem. To connect your microservices to Zipkin, you need to integrate Zipkin with your applications and propagate trace data. Here are the … Read more

Distributed tracing using Zipkin

Distributed tracing is a technique used in software engineering and application performance monitoring to track and visualize the flow of requests as they traverse through a distributed system or a microservices architecture. The primary goal of distributed tracing is to gain insights into the performance, latency, and dependencies between different components of a complex application. … Read more

Installing RabbitMQ Server

RabbitMQ is a popular open-source message broker that is widely used for building distributed and scalable applications. To install RabbitMQ on your system, follow these general steps. The specific commands may vary depending on your operating system. Installation on Linux (Debian/Ubuntu) 1) Update the package repository: sudo apt update 2) Install RabbitMQ server: sudo apt … Read more

Introduction to Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing is a technique used in software engineering and application performance monitoring to track and visualize the flow of requests as they traverse through a distributed system or a microservices architecture. The primary goal of distributed tracing is to gain insights into the performance, latency, and dependencies between different components of a complex application.Here’s … Read more

Executing a Request through Zuul API Gateway

Zuul is an API gateway service in the Netflix OSS ecosystem that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, and security features. It’s commonly used for routing requests to the appropriate microservices in a microservices architecture. To execute a request through Zuul API Gateway, you need to perform the following steps: Set Up a Zuul Gateway: First, … Read more