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Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server

Spring Cloud Config Server is a component of the Spring Cloud framework that allows you to centralize and externalize the configuration for your microservices. It provides a way to manage configuration files for multiple services in a distributed system. Below are the steps to set up a Spring Cloud Config Server:


  • You should have a Spring Boot application or microservice that needs externalized configuration.

Step 1: Create a Spring Boot Project

You can create a Spring Boot project using Spring Initializr (https://start.spring.io/) or your favorite IDE. Ensure you include the “Config Server” dependency when setting up your project.

Step 2: Configure application.properties or application.yml

You need to configure the application.properties or application.yml file for your Spring Boot Config Server. Here is an example application.properties file:



  • spring.application.name is the name of your config server.
  • server.port is the port on which the config server will run.
  • spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri is the URI of the Git repository where you will store your configuration files.
  • spring.cloud.config.server.git.clone-on-start set to true means the config server will clone the configuration repository on startup.
  • Step 3: Create a Git Repository for Configuration

    Create a Git repository (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, etc.) to store your configuration files. The structure of your configuration repository should be:


    Step 4: Create Configuration Files

    In the Git repository, create configuration files for your services. Each service can have its own configuration file. For example, application.properties is the default configuration, and application-dev.properties and application-prod.properties are environment-specific configuration files.

    Step 5: Running the Config Server

    Run your Spring Cloud Config Server application using your IDE or the command line. The server will start and serve configuration data from the Git repository.

    Step 6: Accessing Configuration

    You can access the configuration for your microservices by making HTTP requests to the Config Server. For example, if you have a microservice named “my-service” and you want to retrieve its configuration for the “dev” environment, you can make a request like this

    					GET http://localhost:8888/my-service/dev

    This will return the configuration properties for the “my-service” microservice in the “dev” environment.

    Step 7: Integrating Microservices with the Config Server

    To make your microservices use the configuration provided by the Config Server, you need to configure them to connect to the Config Server. You can do this by adding the spring-cloud-config-client dependency and setting the spring.cloud.config.uri property in your microservice’s configuration.

    For example, in your microservice’s application.properties:


    This will make your microservice fetch its configuration from the Config Server.

    Now, when you start your microservice, it will request its configuration from the Config Server.

    With these steps, you can set up a Spring Cloud Config Server and configure your microservices to externalize their configuration, making it easier to manage configurations across your microservices in a distributed system.

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