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Spring and RMI Integration

Integrating Spring and RMI (Remote Method Invocation) allows you to build distributed systems in Java where objects can be accessed and invoked remotely. Spring simplifies the configuration and management of RMI components and enhances the RMI infrastructure. Here’s how to integrate Spring with RMI: Step 1: Create the RMI Service Interface Define a Java interface … Read more

Remoting in Spring Framework

In the Spring Framework, remoting is a technique that allows you to invoke methods on remote objects, typically over a network. This enables distributed communication between components in a Spring application. Spring provides several remoting mechanisms to simplify the development of distributed systems. Some of the key remoting techniques in the Spring Framework are: HTTP … Read more

Spring MVC Form Radio Button

In a Spring MVC application, you can create radio buttons in a form using the tag from the Spring Form Tag Library. Radio buttons allow users to select one option from a set of choices. Here’s how to create radio buttons in a Spring MVC form: Assuming you have a form backing bean (a model) … Read more

Spring MVC Form Text Field

In a Spring MVC application, you can create a text field in a form using the form: input tag from the Spring Form Tag Library. This tag generates an HTML input element for text input. You can use it to capture user input in a form and bind it to a model attribute. Here’s how … Read more

Spring MVC Form Tag Library

The Spring MVC Form Tag Library provides a set of JSP tags that simplify the process of rendering HTML forms in Spring MVC applications. These tags generate HTML form elements, handle data binding between form fields and model attributes, and perform validation. Here are some commonly used Spring MVC form tags: form:form  This tag represents … Read more

Spring MVC Model Interface

In Spring MVC, the Model interface is part of the Spring Web framework and is used to pass data from a controller to a view. The Model interface provides a way to add attributes (data) that can be accessed in the view for rendering dynamic content. It is typically used in conjunction with the ModelAndView … Read more

Spring MVC Multiple Controller

In a Spring MVC application, you can have multiple controllers to handle different parts of your application. Each controller is responsible for handling specific URLs or requests. Here’s how to create and configure multiple controllers in a Spring MVC application: Step 1: Create Multiple Controller Classes Create separate controller classes for different parts of your … Read more

Spring MVC Multiple View

In a Spring MVC application, you can easily handle multiple views by creating multiple controllers and corresponding views. Each controller is responsible for handling a specific URL and rendering a specific view. Here’s how to set up multiple views in a Spring MVC application: Step 1: Create Multiple Controllers Create separate controller classes for each … Read more

Spring MVC Tutorial

Creating a Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) application involves building a web application that follows the MVC architectural pattern, where the model represents the data, the view handles the user interface, and the controller manages the flow of data between the model and view. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial for building a simple Spring MVC application: Prerequisites: Java … Read more

Variable in SPEL

In the Spring Expression Language (SPEL), you can use variables to store and reference values within expressions. Variables allow you to introduce dynamic values into your expressions, making them more flexible and powerful. Here’s how you can work with variables in SPEL: Defining Variables: You can define variables within SPEL using the # symbol followed … Read more