To create a Spring application in Eclipse, you can follow these steps:
Step 1: Install Eclipse:
- If you haven’t already installed Eclipse, you can download it from the official Eclipse website and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Step 2: Install a Java Development Kit (JDK):
- Ensure that you have a Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your computer. Eclipse requires a JDK to compile and run Java applications.
Step 3: Install the Spring Tools Suite (STS) (Optional):
- While Eclipse is a versatile IDE, you can enhance its Spring-related capabilities by installing the Spring Tools Suite (STS) plugin. STS is a customized distribution of Eclipse tailored for Spring development.
- To install STS, open Eclipse and go to “Help” “Eclipse Marketplace.” Search for “Spring Tools Suite” and follow the installation instructions.
Step 4: Create a New Java Project:
- Open Eclipse.
- Go to “File” > “New” > “Java Project.”
- Enter a project name (e.g., “SpringDemo”) and click “Finish.”
Step 5: Add Spring Dependencies:
- Right-click on your project in the Project Explorer and select “Properties.”
- In the “Properties” dialog, go to “Java Build Path.”
- Click on the “Libraries” tab.
- Click “Add Library…” and choose “JRE System Library” to add the Java runtime.
- Click “Add Library…” again and choose “User Library” to create a new user library for Spring dependencies. Add the necessary Spring JAR files to this library (e.g., spring-core, spring-context, etc.).
- Click “Apply and Close” to save your library configuration.
Step 6: Create a Spring Configuration Class:
- Right-click on the “src” folder in your project and choose “New” > “Class.”
- Enter a package name (e.g., “com.example”) and a class name (e.g., “AppConfig”).
- Check the option to include the public static void main(String[] args) method.
- Click “Finish.”
import org.springframework
import org.springframework
public class AppConfig {
public MyService myService() {
return new MyServiceImpl();
Step 7: Create Application Components:
- Develop the various components of your application, such as services, controllers, and data access objects (DAOs), within your project.
Step 8: Configure Component Scanning:
- Enable component scanning in your Spring configuration class (@ComponentScan(basePackages = “com.example”)) to automatically discover and register your application’s components.
Step 9: Create a Main Application Class:
- Create a Java class with a main method that will serve as your application’s entry point. Initialize a Spring ApplicationContext by loading your configuration class and access your Spring beans. For example:
import org.springframework
import org.springframework
public class MainApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApplicationContext context = new
MyService myService
= context.getBean(MyService.class);
Step 10: Run Your Application:
- Right-click on your main application class and select “Run As” > “Java Application” to execute your Spring application.
- These steps provide a basic outline for creating a Spring application in Eclipse. Be sure to refer to Eclipse’s documentation and tutorials for specific details and features available in your Eclipse version.