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Implementing Zuul Logging Filter

Implementing a Zuul logging filter in a Spring Cloud-based microservices architecture can help you log important information about incoming requests and outgoing responses passing through your API gateway. Zuul is a popular gateway service in the Spring Cloud ecosystem that provides routing, filtering, and load balancing for microservices. To implement a Zuul logging filter, you … Read more

Zuul API Gateway

Zuul is a popular open-source API gateway and edge service that’s part of the Netflix OSS (Open Source Software) stack. It is often used in microservices architectures to provide essential features for routing, filtering, load balancing, security, and monitoring of API requests. In a Spring Cloud-based microservices ecosystem, Zuul can be used as a crucial … Read more

Introduction to API Gateways

An API Gateway is a critical component in modern software architecture that acts as a central entry point for a collection of microservices or a set of APIs. It provides a unified interface to clients, simplifying and securing the client’s interaction with a set of services. Here’s an introduction to API Gateways and their key … Read more

Distributing calls using Eureka and Ribbon

Distributing calls using Eureka and Ribbon in a microservices architecture is a powerful way to achieve dynamic load balancing and service discovery. Eureka serves as the service registry, allowing microservices to register and discover each other, while Ribbon is used for client-side load balancing. Here’s how to distribute calls using Eureka and Ribbon in a … Read more

Connecting Microservices to Eureka

To connect microservices to an Eureka Naming Server, you need to configure your microservices as Eureka clients. This involves adding the necessary dependencies and configuration to enable the microservices to register themselves with the Eureka server and discover other services. Below are the steps to connect microservices to an Eureka Naming Server using Spring Cloud, … Read more

Eureka Naming Server

Eureka is a REST-based service that is primarily used in the AWS cloud for locating services for the purpose of load balancing and failover of middle-tier servers. Eureka Naming Server, often simply referred to as Eureka, is a core component of Netflix’s open-source Eureka service registry system. It provides service registration and discovery, allowing microservices … Read more

Client-Side Load Balancing with Ribbon

Ribbon is a client-side load balancing library developed by Netflix. It is often used in microservices architectures to distribute incoming requests across multiple instances of a service for improved scalability, availability, and fault tolerance. Ribbon works in conjunction with other components, such as Eureka for service discovery and Feign for making HTTP requests, in the … Read more

Using Feign REST Client for Service Invocation

Feign is a Java-based declarative web service client developed by Netflix. It simplifies the process of making HTTP requests to RESTful web services by allowing you to define API requests as Java interfaces, and it handles the rest of the HTTP communication for you. Feign is often used in microservices architectures to communicate between services. … Read more

Invoking currency-exchange-service

Invoking the currency-exchange-service from the currency-conversion-service in a microservices architecture typically involves making an HTTP request to the currency-exchange-service API. Here’s how you can achieve this: Step 1: Create or Use the currency-exchange-service Ensure that you have a working currency-exchange-service that provides exchange rate information for different currency pairs. This service should have API endpoints … Read more

Setting up Currency Conversion

Setting up a Currency Conversion Microservice involves creating a service that can convert between different currencies based on exchange rates. This microservice typically communicates with other services to fetch exchange rates and perform the conversion. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up a Currency Conversion Microservice: Step 1: Create a Spring Boot Project Use Spring … Read more