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Difference between (MSA) and (SOA)

Microservice Based Architecture (MSA) Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Microservices uses lightweight protocols such as REST, and HTTP, etc. SOA supports multi-message protocols. It focuses on decoupling. It focuses on application service reusability. It uses a simple messaging system for communication. It uses Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) for communication. Microservices follows “share as little as possible” architecture approach. SOA follows “share as much as possible architecture” approach. Microservices … Read more

What are Microservices

Microservices are a software architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independently deployable services. Each service represents a specific piece of functionality or a business capability and operates as a standalone unit. These services communicate with each other through well-defined APIs, typically over HTTP or messaging protocols. Here are the key … Read more