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Binary Tree


  1. Binary Tree
  2. Complete Binary tree
  3. Almost complete Binary tree
  4. Strict Binary Tree
  5. Representation of Binary three

Binary Tree

  1. A binary tree is defined as a finite set of elements ,called nodes, such that
  2. T is empty (called the Nulltree or empty tree) , or
  3. T contains a distinguished node R,called the root of T,
    and the remaining nodes ofT form an ordered pair of disjoint binarytrees
    T1 and Tz

  • Any node in the binary tree has either 0 , I or 2 child nodes.

Complete Binary Tree

  1. completeBinarytree.AM levels are completely filled

Almost Complete Binary Tree

  1. All levels are completely filled,except possibily the last level and nodes in the last level are all left alinged.

Strict Binary Tree

  1. Each node of a strict binary tree will have  either 0 or 2 children.

Representation of Binary Tree

  1. There are two possible representations of binary tree
    ① Array Representation
    ② Linked Representation ( by default)

Array Representation

Linked Representation



  • root is a node reference
  • when root contains null ,tree is empty.


  • How to insert an item in a BT?
  • How to traverse a BT ?

Insert  an elements  in BT


  • ptr.getitem();

Logic to traverse a BT 

  • Iterative method
  • Recursive method
    • Preorder R T,Tz
      ② Inorder T R T2
      ③ postorder T1 T2 R